by Donna Amis Davis / @DonnaAmisDavis

I am stoked to see our beautiful island’s Underground River featured in the LA Times. LA Times calls the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park one of the bizarre and unusual destinations of the world. Here in Puerto Princesa, on the island of Palawan, Philippines, we refer to it simply as The Underground River. LA Times may label this place odd, but I just call it home. Offbeat travelers, come on over!

Looking Out of the Underground River from Inside

Offbeat Traveler: Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park –

Entrance to the Underground River
Mouth of Underground River

Getting there is half the fun. Once you are on the launching beach of Sabang, two hours north of the city of Puerto Princesa, you take a twenty-minute pump boat ride up the breathtakingly beautiful western coast of Palawan.

Boat from Sabang to Underground River

Then your boat lands on a very pretty little beach.

Beach at Underground River

As you hike along the trail toward the mouth of the Underground River, you will pass through a jungley area inhabited by Palawan monkeys and monitor lizards.

Palawan monkey at Underground River
Palawan monkey at Underground River


Monkey and Monitor LIzard Side by Side

When you first arrive on Palawan, on your way to the Underground River, don’t miss exploring Puerto Princesa.

As you buy your snacks, try to time it so you catch the NCCC Grocery Store Dancers! Hey, LA Times, are you calling us odd, unusual and offbeat? You didn’t even know about our synchonised dancing in the grocery store aisles.

This article about Sabang Beach shows the beauty you will find along the way.

A fun and cheap place to eat in Puerto Princesa, Rene’s Saigon Vietnamese Restaurant, or Bona’s Chaolong Noodle House, for Filipino-style Vietnamese beef stew noodles. Or buy some gourmet picnic items, and pack your own lunch from Bruno’s Swiss Food Delicatessen.

Mucho thanks to Ricky and Bethy Cobabe, of Torrance, CA, for the use of their photographs.

Palawan Underground River
Entrance to the Puerto Princesa Underground River on Palawan
Donna Amis DavisPuerto Princesa & PalawanDonna Amis Davis,Palawan,Philippines,tourism,travel,Travel and Tourismby Donna Amis Davis / @DonnaAmisDavis I am stoked to see our beautiful island's Underground River featured in the LA Times. LA Times calls the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park one of the bizarre and unusual destinations of the world. Here in Puerto Princesa, on the island of Palawan,...Author of the '60s SURF SHOP MYSTERIES and DIVE SHACK MYSTERIES